Grand Master Shih and Dr. Huang are now making available very special Chinese herbal teas, blended from secret formulas passed down within their families for generations. These herbs are Certified Organic, grown under the supervision of the Shih family in China in a beautiful mountain area, where the air is very fresh. Below is a list of teas for general healing purposes. Each one includes many wonderful herbs.
There are also many other new herbal blends for specific health conditions. To purchase these, you will need an in-person examination. To find out whether there is a healing tea for your needs, please contact us for an appointment.
Sheng Mai Tea
21 Bags – $15
Enhance heart function, adjust blood pressure, enhance microcirculation.
Weight Loss Tea & Herb
21 Bags – $15
Helps to balance metabolism and good for circulation and helps the energy.
Qi Zao Tea
21 Bags – $15
Invigorate Qi, promote production of body fluid. Nourish stomach spleen & liver, improve vision, strengthen constitution.
Healthy Tea
21 Bags – $15
Helps to balance the whole body and to strengthen your energy.
Immune System
21 Bags – $15
Strengthens immune system, cleans bad energy from body, prevents illness
Children’s Calm Tea
21 Bags – $15
Calms mind, nerves, helps sleep, helps immune system, aids circulation, and helps focus.
Maitake Mushroom Herb
21 Bags – $15
Helps to prevent cancer, releases toxins from chemotherapy, strengthens the immune system, helps hypertension, high blood pressure, fatigue, chronic viral disease, anxiety, menopause, insomnia due to depletion, weekness, and roscasea.
Hubei #1 Pneumonia Prevention Tea (Immune System Strengthener)
100g Granule Powder – $25
This formula is being used in China for prevention of Pneumonia. It will strengthen and boost your immune system. #1 Pneumonia prevention comes in powder form. Simply dissolve 2 scoops(3g) in 1c of water twice a day. 100g are a two-week supply. Ingredients: Huang Qi, Bai Zhu, Fang Feng, Guan Zhong, Jin Yin Hua, Chen Pi, Pei Lan. This formula is also gluten free.
Jiagulan Tea (Memory Tea)
This wonderful herbal tea is also known as “Brain Tea”. Drink throughout the day and your memory will improve, your intelligence will increase, and your blood circulation and metabolism will quicken, leaving you feeling healthy and alert. Good for your liver and stress. Made entirely from Gynostemma Pentaphylla straw with nothing else added. Awarded numerous medals in China. 40 herbal tea bags provide a 15-day supply. Ingredient: Gynostemma Pentaphylla
West Lake Stop Smoking Tea
Many people wish to stop smoking, but the highly addictive nature of nicotine is just too powerful. Here’s the answer. This tea was actually used in ancient times as a remedy for opium addiction among the Chinese nobility. Based on the ‘Fog Tea’ of Tien Tu Mountain, it consists of a special formula of over 15 herbs which act synergistically to cleanse the blood, strengthen the immune system, increase vital energy, and combat addictive cravings. 14 teabags provide a two-week supply. Ingredients: Lotus Seeds, Ginseng Leaves, Lucid Asparagus, Betel Nut